30 ans du label scène nationaleLes Scènes nationales ont trente ans, un âge pivot. Trente ans, c’est à la fois une courte durée pour mesurer l’impact d’une politique culturelle et à la fois l’occasion de se retourner sur notre histoire, d’en considérer l’héritage pour mieux nous projeter dans l’avenir. |  Cultural mobility funding guide 2022for the international mobility of artists
and culture professionals, 2022.
This guide is meant to be a resource for artists and other arts workers looking to finance their cross-border travel to and/or from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Slovenia. |  Where to LandOn 5 and 6 Oct 22, the Where to land forum brought together 131 European performing arts professionals at the Maillon, Théâtre de Strasbourg, with the aim of committing to a series of measures for the redirection of the performing arts, at a time when the ongoing ecological disaster is placing demands on the cultural sector as well as on the whole of society. |